For many years, aesthetic dentistry has been a boom around the world, it is increasingly seen in artists, influencers, etc. For many years, veneers were the first thing that came to mind when talking about cosmetic dentistry. Nowadays, this has changed a little, here is a list of the main aesthetic dentistry topics that are trends both on social networks and in dental offices and clinics around the world:
Teeth Whitening: Increasingly, and due to the increasingly accurate recommendation of dental aesthetic specialists, patients are looking for whiter teeth, but that maintain their natural appearance. Extremely white teeth that do not look natural is no longer what most patients are looking for today. Beyond teeth that look obviously treated, patients simply seek to maintain a natural smile but with whiter and more aesthetic teeth.
Gingival plastic surgery, or gingivoplasty: It is a minimally invasive procedure, in which, under local anesthesia and with the use of a scalpel or some other sharp instrument, a new shape is designed and given to the contour of the gum in the neck of the patient. teeth. It is a procedure whose recovery and healing is relatively quick and results in very noticeable and aesthetic changes in the shape of the teeth and, consequently, in the smile.
3D impressions: Many clinics, offices and dental laboratories have acquired this type of technology; 3D printers allow the creation of crowns, inlays, and some other dental restorations in a reduced time and at a lower cost, both for clinics and patients. The results are very precise and predictable, however, the materials used are not recommended to be used for a long time, they are rather for provisional restorations.
Dental implants in young patients: The high-carbohydrate diet, different dental “hygiene” myths, and other current variables have caused premature loss of teeth, which causes increasingly younger patients to come to the office requesting dental implants. The reality is that dental implants have been erroneously associated with older patients, but dental implants, percentage wise, have better results in young patients than in elderly patients.
Dental veneers: Although they are not at the top of this list, they are still in the top 5. Dental veneers are fixed aesthetic restorations from the anterior sector. These allow achieving relatively quick and highly aesthetic results, with technological advances in terms of materials and adhesion systems, tooth preparation (wear), which, although permanent, has become increasingly less invasive and more conservative. On the other hand, patients no longer request “totally white teeth” as much; the majority of patients who want to improve their dental aesthetics with veneers explicitly ask that it be a highly aesthetic smile, but that “they do not look like false teeth,” and For dental aesthetic specialists, these comments from patients sound like music in our ears.
Dental treatments are not forever
Indeed, no dental treatment “is forever.” There are various factors that influence the length of time dental treatments last, such as oral hygiene, accidents and/or trauma, habits, etc. No matter how perfect they are initially, all dental treatments eventually “expire”, although an implant can last 30 or 40 years (with good care and patient habits), the crown or prosthesis of that implant can last 5, 10 or 15 years and it will have to be changed.
A well-placed resin rarely lasts more than 5 or 7 years (it may be less, depending on the area, parafunctional habits, etc.) before starting to show imbalances, some of which can be corrected simply by polishing the edges and the resin in general. and it will last about 4 or 5 more years, but eventually it will have to be changed. This occurs with absolutely all dental treatments, from cleanings, which must be carried out frequently, restorations, prosthetics, root canal treatments, etc.
Obviously, surgical dental treatments do not fall into this category, if a permanent tooth is removed, a new one will not emerge. That is why it is important to go frequently, at least a couple of times a year to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned and keep the treatments performed previously under observation.